What is this site about?

This site is my personal project focused on Drama CDs as there isn’t a lot of information on English speaking Internet about them. I gather here, in one place, information about published CDs such as track titles, duration of tracks, bonus tracks, covers, release dates or URLs of publisher sites. I hope information from this site will be useful to you!

About me and this site name.

As you might know, Ruoye (若邪) is a weapon that Xie Lian from Tian Guan Ci Fu uses. It’s a white silk band that is wrapped around his wrist. I didn’t have any idea how to name myself and my site so I’ve chosen this. My site is known as ruoye but I myself am known as just ruru. My nickname and this site name should be written in lowercase.

I want to download Drama CD but it’s password protected, what now?

How to get CD “available only through request”?

Broken titles, folders or file names.

Broken links

If any link is broken you can message me about it on Discord because I probably don’t know about it yet. 🙂

What is tokuten?

Tokuten (特典) is just a Japanese word for bonus/benefit/perk. These are for example special tracks for buying CDs in shops like Animate, Stellaworth or limited/first editions.

What is rendou tokuten?

Rendou tokuten (連動特典) is linked purchase bonus, meaning you need to buy set of the CDs (sometimes it’s 2 CDs, sometimes 4, it depends).

What’s the difference between Situation CD and Drama CD?

Situation CDs are recordings where you are part of the story. Meaning, character/s talk to you. Mostly they’re recorded using dummy head microphone.
In Drama CDs story takes place between characters and you only listen to their interactions.
Even though Internet says that this is the same thing, stores like Stellaworth distinguish between these two terms. Though remember that it’s only my interpretation.
On this site, I call everything Drama CD and don’t really use term Situation CD.

What’s the difference between Doujin and Commercial Drama CD?

Technically doujin term meant that the work was made by amateurs. In this day and age though, line between commercial CDs and doujins is pretty thin.
Doujin circles are also employing professional actors (Lamina Planet, KZEntertainment, IAMOK2 etc.) and their quality is often the same (or sometimes better) than commercial labels.
The main difference that I see is the fact that doujins generally are focused more on porn aspect and less on lore.

(I saw once that some label released one (or two?) CDs from the series as commercial ones and last one from the same series as doujin. So well…)


