About Cyntiashare’s AI Translations

About Cyntia’s AI translations

3. Translation of 夏休み、従兄に心もカラダも溺愛されて。 (RJ341921) – btw voiced by my god, Iwanaka Mutsuki

4. Translation of おとなりさんちの涼真くん (RJ314210)

This is only nitpicking, but if you look through it, you’ll see exact same problems with it. Some words aren’t translated, some words are translated too simply? or however you call it and some words are too complicated.
I didn’t go through whole translation because this work had script available – meaning it’s easier to translate by AI/machine translator than from audio alone.

It’s not about how shitty these translations are (they are btw – obviously that’s only my opinion and everyone can make their own), but about the fact that they couldn’t be created by human being and couldn’t have been checked. These are not mistakes made by human.

I think that two people (Karina and Cyntia) allegedly translated RJ314210. It’s not possible for two people to read through it and not think “huh? what’s he talking about? what’s “it”?”. You don’t need to listen to see it.

If you saw screenshot at top of the post, Cyntia said herself that Unless they work in a field not using it, then I understand. I’m sorry to tell all of you this… But… Do you know that people can sometimes understand TWO languages. Yes. TWO. T W O. WITHOUT AI!! CRAZY!! What I’m getting at is, if you understand language you’re translating from, you don’t need AI. Even if you use AI to help yourself, people won’t even see in the end product.
I’m not going to talk about the fact that translators existed before AI was available for all users this freely.
Don’t tell me that person from Germany couldn’t communicate with person from Czech Republic before AI.

