Contact to me/Last messages

About screenshots on Google Drive
I’ve only put screenshots of conversations that I personally got in DMs from you (you know who). I didn’t put any screenshots that were sent only on Telegram or something. If you have any screenshots with conversation with Cyntia and want them to find their way to Google Drive folder, then feel free to DM me (@rvoye). You can join discord server or you can only just add me to the friends, doesn’t matter to me too much. 🙂

About my AI translation “fixes”
I should be the last person “fixing” anything. If any of the translators/people who know Japanese find mistakes in my “fixes”, you can leave me a message. It’s really embarrassing to do something you have no idea about so please don’t call me names for that PLEASE, I HAVE LOW SELF ESTEEM.

About other stuff around the post
If there are any mistakes that I made – like some facts are just wrong then feel free to message me too. I don’t want to create story that didn’t happen. Most of the stuff that I’ve written on this topic is my personal opinion, I also didn’t really mention anything about how Cyntia’s behaving with other translators and her ex-friends because it’s not my place to say anything about it. I wasn’t there, I don’t know what happened.

Last thing, my badass message. Yes. I’m protagonist of this story.
I’m not friends with anyone in the community. I only want to do my own thing in my own space. I’m pretty introverted, even on the Internet. If someone wants to call me their friend – I don’t mind it, I don’t mind making friends in general. It’s just that I don’t want any of the stuff that I’m doing and writing affect people that want to be my friends. I’m my own person, I do stuff for my own sake and if I make mistake, it’s on me and backlash should be on me.
I feel like writing this because my whole post is just making a drama and starting a fire. At the same time I hate people playing with someone else’s money. And also I don’t think I have that many people interested in my person or my site to even want to read all of this yapping.
If making this post is a mistake, we’ll see in the future. I’ll probably fix couple of stuff around this post like formatting etc. in couple of days. AND NOW I’M SAYING BYE. IT’S THE END. I THINK I WON’T BE ADDING ANYTHING ELSE UNLESS CYNTIA WILL DO SOMETHING NEW THEN I’LL ADD IT.

