– Introduction
– AI translations
– Money scamming
– Interaction with me
– Contact to me/Last messages
– Other screenshots ← you’re here
- About Cyntia’s relationship with other people
- About rumors around Cyntia [pretty long]
- Lies about Ko-Fi/Patreon purpose
- Cyntia blocking her chatting channel
I’ve looked through screenshots I had and this below are my additional comments.
1. About Cyntia’s relationship with other people
Does Cyntia really think that “baiting” people (so playing with their feelings) is fine? Especially because Cyntia herself says that they were friends. So Cyntia deliberately “baits” her friends? I think we have different understanding of that term.
2. About rumors around Cyntia [pretty long]
I don’t know about rumors because half of the stuff I’ve put here is a fact and other stuff is my opinion based on screenshots and actions of Cyntia, but I want to address what she has written here.
1. I steal translation. => I never claimed anything that’s not mine
As other translators said, there’s difference between you putting credit and you getting permission to copy something. I’ll ask this two questions:
– Do you think that piracy isn’t stealing because you credit the label and don’t claim that audio was created by you?
– Do you think that if you take candy from some kid when they’re not looking and give it as a present to your loved one but state that “just so you know, it wasn’t bought by me” is not stealing?
Something that I’ve talked about with one of the translators you copied from, Cyntia.
Translator can make changes to their translations at any time because people are still learning and fixing their mistakes. Now, let me ask third question(s):
– Why should translator ask YOU to update THEIR own translation in your Google Drive? Heck, how would they know if you’re sharing their translation if they’re locked behind your stupid e-mail thing? Now every translator you’ve copied from need to be your friends?
Right now Cyntia’s crediting translators under translations that they might not be happy about later (or even now). Do you think Cyntia, that’s okay for translator AND your members?
2. I steal audio => Most of it comes from AnimeSharing (which is already publicly shared, albeit illegally. Everyone also sharing it on their own group. But it’s only me who “stealing” ??)
I don’t know who said that you’re only one stealing audio Cyntia. Maybe it wasn’t about piracy but about stealing audio that people shared in closed communities and didn’t want shared in your community? Have you thought about that?
I’ll say from my example. I share some audios that were bought by people on my Discord server. It’s still piracy, sure, but I have respect to people that did spend their own money on these CDs. They shared it with me and for our little closed community. Not for anime-sharing, not for, I don’t know, SuperPornForum. If they don’t wish for their files bought from their own pocket to be shared anymore, they’ll just come to me and I’ll delete it. But if you’ll take it now and use it, what control do I have over you and your members? None.
I also expect from my members to not go and share my own bought CDs everywhere because I share it for people that I want to share them with.
Again, topic about files ownership is really hard, because it’s strictly moral talk. It’s just something that you agree to when joining community and if you don’t respect other’s wishes then people will get mad at you.
You can imagine it better if you think about borrowing real, physical CDs to your friends. You’ll borrow it to your friend because you know he won’t destroy it, but you don’t want your friend to borrow it to his friend because you don’t know them and are scared that they might destroy your precious CD.
But whatever, what interests me more is […]For the rest I’ve paid some people to get the audio[…].
So you aren’t sure from where this audio came from? As later you state […]My friends say I got scammed, but honestly I don’t care. So you admit that there’s no CD that you bought yourself and as far as we see from your I’ve paid some people to get the audio[…], you aren’t even interested in doing that? I’m asking a question because even I, really poor, jobless and depressed weeb have own bought physical and digital CDs.
I’m not saying that it’s wrong to not buy every CD you share, piracy is piracy. But you do have membership on Patreon, Ko-Fi and Trakteer where you share CDs and bonuses to people only if they pay you. So where does this money go if the only CDs you share are from anime-sharing and from “some people”? What are these CDs you share?
3. Karina and I are the same person. => This is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard[…]
First of all, it doesn’t really matter (at least to me). If you are two people or if you’re using both accounts because you feel like it, whatever. What I’m laughing at is the second part.
Do you really think I can handle all of this alone ? (WordPress, Discord, Spreadsheet, Gdrive??).
Cyntia. I know that people have their own lives, they work, they study, they have friends and maybe many other hobbies. But you’re writing this like it’s some challenge to waste your time on your hobby. You aren’t creating your translations by yourself (I mean usage of AI), you aren’t fixing your translations, you aren’t buying Drama CDs, you don’t do anything on Discord other than answering questions that you later delete, so practically you do nothing for the community if they can’t even see your work. I currently update 8 spreadsheets, 4 of them daily, rest of them every week or so. All of my spreadsheets have more than 500 entries. It doesn’t take THAT much time if you LIKE IT. You add one entry per I don’t know, week? To only one spreadsheet – the one with anime-sharing download links. It takes maybe 5 minutes to add this. If you can’t spend your precious 5-10 minutes daily on all of these things then why do you even run your own Discord server, site and spreadsheets?
And btw, you would have more time if you wouldn’t create PDFs with translations of other people. You know that linking people to translators’ sites would be quicker and would let you spend more time on your WordPress for example?
4. I sold people’s translations => Really? […]
This is something I said and already corrected myself and said sorry, but I think it’s important to not spread lies like this so I’m saying it once again here.
You create community around copies of people’s translations that are plastered with your watermark and then advertise your Ko-Fi, Patreon, Trakteer etc. everywhere. On top of that you sell membership where you provide pirated audio that as far as we can tell, you didn’t even buy yourself so you don’t even support labels with money you take from memberships.
All of this is not selling access to other people’s translations, I 100% agree and already said sorry for accusing you of this. But if it isn’t using other people’s work to your own gain then I don’t know what it is.
3. Lies about Ko-Fi/Patreon purpose
As we saw from Money scamming chapter – it’s a lie, because with membership you also get audio that as we could conclude from Cyntia’s own messages, wasn’t bought by her.
If you really want people to support your translations behind subscription, then why do you share audio too? You can make subscription cheaper so your members can go and buy these CDs themselves. We all know it’s not only about translations.
4. Cyntia blocking her chatting channel
Now that’s interesting. Be it intentional or unintentional… Cyntia instead of putting her e-mail in this announcement, she prefers redirecting people to channel where her Patreon, Ko-Fi and Trakteer links are. As I said, I don’t know if she did it purposely or not, but I thought it’s interesting.
But I’m more interested in other thing. I said it I think now 2 times, privately and on my server.
Why do you feel the need to remove chatting channel from your Discord server where all members are verified by you – meaning everyone is controlled by you and you can ban people that don’t like you. Btw it’s 3 months now when I’m writing this since this announcement and you still can’t chat on her server.
Cyntia, if you’re that scared of people to the point where you’ll remove any group space to talk, then just maybe don’t try building community if you’re scared of it.
My Discord server is really quiet and it isn’t a bad thing if no one talks too. Not every community needs to have conversations 24/7. One message per week is good enough. One per month also. But cutting people from any way of chatting because some people badmouth you in different places? And you must be in this different places too, so it’s not like you’re trying to remove yourself from people badmouthing you. I didn’t even know about you until now. So no, you aren’t Mr. Beast or SKibidi toilet, no one really talks about you in a bad way on daily basis (besides maybe me recently – but no one wants to listen to me so it doesn’t matter).